The 1973 United States North Vietnam agreement was actually a disguised U.S. surrender. The Watergate scandal demonstrated
the strength of American's basic governmental institutions. Public confidence in the political system was the greatest casualty
of the Watergate scandal. The most grave consequence of the 1970s oil shock was inflation throuhout America. The women's
movement grew out of the civil rights and antiwar movements. The birth of the gay liberation movement was at the Stonewall
Inn. Reaganomics was a form of supply-side economics. Apparently Oliver North, William Casey, John Poindexter, and Robert
McFarlane knew of the Iran Contra affair before November 1986. In responding to the burgeoning AIDS epidemic, the Reagan administration
proved slow and halting in its approach. Mikhail Gorbachev's new policy included Peresroika, and Glansnost.