Critical to John Kennedy's victory in the election of 1960 was his sucess in televised debates against Richard Nixon.
John F. Kennedy's [lan to balance out nuclear capacity with conventional military strength was known as flexible response.
The building of the Berlin Wall in 1961 was meant to keep East Germans from migrating to the West. Kennedy's foreign policy
approach to Latin America was known as the Alliance for Progress. Kennedy support the Bay of Bigs invasion because he believed
it would thwart the aims of the Soviet Union. One result of the Cuban Missile Crisis was the "hot-line."American foreign
policy hawks believed that the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis justified a policy of nuclear superiority. In the Baker
vs. Wainwright decision, the supreme Court ruled that state legislatures had to be reapportioned. The Civil Rights Act of
1964 outlined racial segregation in public facilities, outlawed racial discrimination in employment, proteceted the voting
rights of African Americans, and included gender as an unacceptable basis for discrimination in hiring. Lyndon Johnson sought
the Gulf of Tokin Resolution to demonstrate to the North Vietnamese and his political opponents his determination totake a
tough stance in Vietnam.