I am 16 of age. I am 5' 6", brown skin, and 165 pounds. I am a student at Linden McKinley High School and Southeast
Career Center. My dream is to become an accountant and a lawyer.
Information about my personal history: I grew up in
Columbus, Ohio on the South off of Livingston and Fairwood, and I lived in Albequrque, New Mexico when I was a little
girl. I go to school at Linden McKinley High School, and Southeast Career Center for the Accounting Program. I hace famiy
that I go in visit in Albequrque,New Mexico, Chicago, and Mississippi. I enjoy playing Tennis, watching t.v.,talking on the
phone and reading. My dream is to an accountant or a lawyer, have a pearl white Range Rover, and a family to share my dreams
Taking a break from work
What a job!
I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some
of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)
My Favorite movies
Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:
Boys in the Hood, Menice to Society, Don't Be a Menice, South Central, See No Evil, Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning,
The Hills have eyes, Problem Child, Motives, Two Can Play That Game, G, Animal, 5 Heartbeats, Jackson Five, Getting Played,
Dead Silence, House of Wax, House Party 4, Black X-mas, He Got Game, No Children Here, Color Purple, Beloved, Eve By You,
Smokin Aces, Naked Weapons, The Date Movie, and Block Party
My Favorite Music:
Here's a list of some of the type of music I listen to:
Hip Hop and R& B, Classic Soul,
Rap, Disco, and Reggae