The rise of democracy and a swelling of national political involvement was witnessed during the 1820s and 1830s. Nation's
founders believed democracy contained dangerous impulses. Social equality became the dominant principle of the age. Romanticism
in American literature often appealed to the feelings and intuitions of ordinary people.Property requirements for manhood
suffrage had been eliminated by 1820, and as public political invovement swelled. Loans extended freely by the Bank of the
U.S. were recalled suddenly, which played a role in the Panic of 1819. Abolitionists sought an end to slavery and supported
the civil rights of free African Americans and women. Andrew Jaskson symbolized the triumph of democracy and egalitarianism
from the 1820s to the 1840s. Cherokee, were forced to abandon ancestral grounds and embark on the Trail of Tears. The Wigs
opposed the growth of presidential power and prerogative under King Andrew. Martin Van Buren gained the presidency in 1836.
Van Buren attempted to approve the economy with the independent sub-treasury